Universal screening to inform instruction and guide intervention

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easyCBM is a norm-referenced, research-backed benchmarking and progress monitoring tool developed by the Behavioral and Research Team at the University of Oregon. It provides rich data on intervention effectiveness and identifies at-risk students. Allows for benchmark screening up to three times a year at the individual, classroom, school, and board levels, and offers more frequent assessments for individual progress monitoring.

easyCBM is available to assess children from K-8. easyCBM provides key data needed for establishing district or school-wide intervention and making informed decisions about placement, instruction, and exit from intervention programs. Colorful and easy-to-read reports at the individual, classroom, school, and district levels provide actionable data to monitor student progress of implemented content strategies. easyCBM delivers the tools you need to inform instruction and guide intervention.

Price List

easyCBM Pricelist 2023


Product Information


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Benchmark measures and administration times:

Measure NameAdministration TimeK12345678
Letter Names 1 minute              
Letter Sounds 1 minute              
Phoneme Segmenting 1 minute              
Word Reading Fluency 1 minute            
Passage Reading Fluency 1 minute  
Vocabulary 10-15 minutes    

Want to see easyCBM in action?

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How to Order

1. Fill Out Order Form (PDF)
2. Email [email protected]

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[email protected]